dg812. Ход 6

[Short English version follows]
Privetstvuju vseh, i proshu proshenija za musor na stenke.
Proshu sosedej, vstretivshih moi drony ili kolonizery,
i ne poluchivshih ot menja pis'ma soobshit' ob etom mne
(soobshaju rase Inkvizitor chto ne poluchal ot nee pervogo pis'ma,
a poluchiv vtoroe i tret'e otvetil srazu na oba soglasiem )
poskolku ne vse v igre chitajut po-russki povtorjaju osnovnuju
pros'bu po anglijski - kak mogu (nogami ne bit')
Zaranee spasibo za pomosh'
Bunny of SunBunnies

[English version]
Please, if your race already has an encounter with my ships,
but still has no message income from me -> please, inform me
about this incident (one of races already inform me that
they've sent to me a message which I _still_do_not_receive_ ).

Thanks in forward for cooperation
Bunny of SunBunnies